If the Rs 3,000 tablet Aakash by Datawind was not enough, the company feels that it would be able to lower the price still further and also add more features or applications every six months. CEO, Datawind, Suneet Singh Tuli who launched the worlds cheapest tablet a few weeks back said on Friday that the Aakash tablet would be available in the market from January onwards. It is being currently rolled out by the government to targeted students across the country at a subsidised price of about Rs 1,500. Tuli said that while Aakash has been called a pathbreaking product and the cheapest tablet in the world at Rs 3,000, they were hopeful of reducing the cost a little lower as sales ramp up over the next year. He said that the tablet could become a little cheaper in the coming year and more features can be added to it every six months. "Processing power, battery life many such things can be increased over a period of time and we hope that every six months there would be something new in the Aakash tablet" said Suneet Singh Tuli. Aakash has already received 3 lakh pre launch bookings and Datawind has entered into a manufacturing agreement with companies at two more places in Cochin and Noida for meeting the demand. It is currently being manufactured near Hyderabad but with sales expected to hit 50 lakh units by end 2012, the company has entered into fresh manufacturing contracts to meet the huge demand. Suneet Singh Tuli said that to spur entrepreneurship among the youth and also to identify useful apps for their tablet they have started a national contest for students to submit their innovative software applications for collaboration with Datawind. "We hope to create entrepreneurial instincts among the student community. Several money-spinners like Facebook etc were started by students still in college. Students think unconventionally unlike large corporates. If they design a useful application which is selected by the jury it would be pre-burned in millions of tablets to be shipped out by us" said Tuli. He said that while it could be a money spinner for the student who will get a royalty from the usage of application on Aakash tablet, they would also gain by offering a useful application to their users. Tuli was here to attend the Entrepreneurial Summit organized by the Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow.
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