Actress Horia Farghaly

Actress Horia Farghaly expressed her pleasure for the positive reaction to her role in her new TV drama show “Case G”, saying that she exerted increasing efforts during this series as she was performing two roles of twins. She added that she exerted a lot of efforts to be able to perform, stressing that she was keen to follow the reactions of fans whether in the street or on social media networks.
She added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that she waits the presentation of her new film “Talq Senaei” scheduled to be presented in the Egyptian cinemas during the coming days. She stressed her keenness to achieve balance between the steps she takes in both cinema and drama during the current period.
she ended the filming of her role three days before the holy month of fasting of Ramadan, saying that this provided her with an opportunity to follow the reactions of fans since the beginning of the series. She also denied what was published over her decision to retire, saying that such rumors come undermine success of her new TV drama show.