Syrian actor Joumana Mourad has said that she has played many seductive roles but has never crossed any personal boundaries. She stated that as an actor she is able play seductive roles professionally, without embarrassing the audience. During a symposium sponsored by the El Shabab magazine, Mourad was asked about the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis and what was she going to do if prevented from acting. She replied: \"I am Muslim, thank God, and I believe that the Brotherhood and Salafis will not prevent actresses from acting. I have relationships with Brotherhood memebrs and Salafists who are very civilised. Islam is a religion of ease and I know that I am going to wear the veil one day, and I\'m happy about that.\" Meanwhile, the \"Dear Guest\" festival revealed that it will honour Joumana Mourad for her role in film \"Kaf Al-Qammar\" (Palm of the Moon) next March.