Actress Nesrine Ameen

Egyptian actress Nesrine Ameen revealed that she is close to end the filming her new TV drama show “Zizo’s Family” that was scheduled to be presented during the latest drama season of Ramadan, while it was delayed for reasons related to production.
She added, in a statement to “Egypt Today ”, that the new series discusses a number of social and daily problems facing the Egyptian family in a comedy framework. She revealed that she started the filming of her new film “Street Behind Us”, saying that it discusses a true story witnessed in the Egyptian community during the recent years.
She added that she was recommended to participate in the new TV drama show “Three Cards”, saying that she has not signed any contracts to participate in the new series. She added that she aspires to the presentation of her new TV drama show “Faisal’s Appartment”, saying that she aspires to the fans’ reactions to the new series.