Jihan Abdel Monem, sister of the late Soad Hosny, denied the recent media rumors alleging that the body of Hosny is a fake. Rumors that the body was not actually Hosny’s surfaced following the request of Hosny’s family to re-perform an autopsy on the body. Jihan explained to ArabsToday that the reason for the request was to “be able prove that it was her broken skull that caused the death, not committing suicide as claimed.” She added, “we requested the Attorney General to investigate former Minister of Information Safwat E-Sherif and former Head of Egyptian Television News Abdel Latif El-Manawi, in addition to Soad’s friend in London Mrs. Nadia Yusri. They are all accused in planning the murder of Soad.” Jihan also expressed sadness at paparazzo Farooq Ibrahim’s actions- Ibrahim burned all his pictures of Soad just before his death. Jihan commented, “he should have given them to us instead of burning them.”