Minster Hisham Zazou

The country has experienced waves of political disruption and public unrest since the Arab Spring on 2011. This has taken a heavy toll on the country’s international reputation and caused many governments to issue travel warnings against travel to the country.
As a result, international tourism arrivals fell drastically, but now signs of an upturn and resurgence is being seen in the industry.
“After the presidential election, we envisioned better security and stability in Egypt, which has been reflected in the lifting or softening of negative travel advisories by a number of European countries,” Minster of Tourism Hisham Zazou told Reuters.
“The European market represents an important source of business and that yielded a better flow of tourists into the country. The second half will be much better than the first half and I look forward to an increase.”
official data shows that Tourism Revenues dropped 25% in the first six months of 2014, amounting to US$3 billion.
Source: Travel Daily