Saudi campaign for land mine clearance in Yemen.

The Arab Parliament has praised the Saudi campaign for land mine clearance in Yemen, which was launched by the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRelief) earlier this year. The Parliament urged the UN to take urgent and practical measures to clear mines from Yemen.

The Parliament notes that these mines have been laid by Houthi militias.

KSRelief launched the $40 million Saudi Project for Land mine Clearance (MASAM) in June this year. More than 1,539 people have been killed and a further 3,000 have been injured as a result of the mines. 

As previously reported by Arab News, there have been more than 600,000 mines planted in liberated areas by militias, 130,000 internationally banned sea mines, 40,000 mines in Marib and 16,000 mines on the island of Mayon.

From :Arabnews