An oil refinery company in Yemen's port city

Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi said that he is looking forward to the return of Chinese investments to Yemen in terms of oil, gas and energy.

Saba News Agency stated that during his meeting with the newly appointed Chinese ambassador to Yemen, Kang Yong, the Yemeni president called for re-activating the previous agreements and understandings between Yemen and China. He praised China’s stances that supported Yemen and its constitutional legitimacy in various international forums.

The Chinese ambassador renewed his country’s support for Hadi and said that “he (Hadi) represents the legitimacy of Yemen, which was unanimously agreed upon by the Yemeni people and supported by international and UN resolutions.”

Ambassador Yong confirmed China’s firm and supportive stance for Yemen and its constitutional legitimacy, until the return of the peace it deserves in accordance with the three principles that were approved on the local and international levels.

From :Arabnews