Weather forecast

Lebanon is expected to witness stormy weather tomorrow (Monday) as atmospheric depression "RHEND" hits the country accompanied by cold air masses, strong winds, rain and snow on 1100m in the morning reaching 900m above sea level, a report by the Meteorology Department at Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport said. 

Temperatures are expected to decrease gradually as south-westerly winds might reach a speed up to 90Km/H. 

A maximum of 18 degrees Celsius is expected on the coastline and 10 degrees Celsius for the low. 

On the mountain range temperatures register a high of 9 degrees Celsius and 2 degrees Celsius low. 

Cedars's region registers a high of 6 degrees celcius and -5 degrees celcius for the low. 

In the interior range temperatures range between 11 degrees Celsius for the high and 2 degrees Celsius for the low. 

During daytime visibility is good in general but worsens during nightfall. 

Humidity on the coastline is between 55% and 85% 

Sea condition: wavy to turbulent with temperatures registering a high of 18 degrees. 

Sunrise: 06:44 

Sunset: 16:45
