Travels through the Hinlopen Strait leads travelers on Arctic cruises into a hot bed of wildlife activity, and provides one of the best places to spot the giants of this frozen land. The straight is said to have been named after a director of the Dutch Company in the early 17th century, Thymen Jacobsz Hinlopen. By sky, land and sea, guests will be able to spot local creatures, so those on the lookout for any illusive species should stay observant of the landscape in its entirety. On land, travelers are likely to spot giant reindeer, the shaggy white fur of polar bears and even a few walruses taking a nice break on a glacier. Guests must be careful around the latter, however, as their large tusks have the power to puncture small zodiacs in the treacherous waters. The cliffs that flank the straight are often covered with birds, most commonly the Brunichs Guillemots and the large Glaucous Gulls. These avian species are often the most avid contributors to the strait\'s \"soundtrack\" and provide a welcoming cacophony of voices to all visitors.