Isabela Island gives visitors to the Galapagos access to a number of colorful residents. From marine iguanas to gigantic sea turtles, the island is chock full of life. However, one of the most thrilling locals to meet is one of the many sharks that makes their home off the coast in the rightly named shark alley. Boasting crystal clear waters, even the most nervous of snorkelers or divers will have a good view of the looming giants. While divers should be cautious, these sharks will not attack unless provoked. Shark alley is also home to a number of adorable seals, many of which are quite curious of human visitors. That being said, divers should not be surprised if one of the local seals decides to swim up beside or beneath them, as this an intimate experience that is likely to happen only once in a lifetime. Back on land, guests can enjoy shores that are chock full of marine iguanas. Travelers may even have to watch their feet to avoid accidentally stepping on a local reptile, which literally cover the landscape in some areas.