Nothing is quite as sweet as the final large hurdle of a backpacking journey. While the final summit is always rewarding, few are quite as breathtaking as Sun Gate at Machu Picchu. The Sun Gate is the climb\'s fourth large pass, and provides the best views of the ruins. From this point, it is only a delightful scamper downhill to explore the numerous pathways, terraced structures and astounding temple ruins. While this vista is most satisfying during any climb, travelers who plan their journey during specific times of the year will find the sight even more remarkably structured. Guests who time their hike just before dawn will see the Sun Gate truly live up to its name, as the light beams in and around the stones down onto the ruins, giving the site a near heaven-like feel. On the summer solstice, the gate\'s light shines directly through the two large stone walls perfectly, giving the Incas\' architectural precision and affinity for astronomy all the more clout.