Bahrain's information minister: Gulf media has become united

Bahrain's Information Affairs Minister Ali bin Mohammed Al Rumaihi said that the Gulf media has now become united. 
Speaking on the sidelines of a seminar organized by Bahrain Institute for Political Development (BIPD), the minister told Bahrain News Agency (BNA) that coordination among the Gulf media agencies has gone beyond the phase of correspondence on to the phase of open media intercommunication among the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. 
He added that the media discourse among GCC countries is attuned in confronting the challenges facing our region and there are bigger executive steps being undertaken between the media agencies of the GCC. 
"As long as communication among the Gulf media agencies remains constant and ongoing, the faster will be the implementation steps," said Al Rumaihi. The whole world now addresses the GCC states as a single state which is a substantial reality with all international media corporations now treating the GCC media agencies as a single agency, he added.