The Central Intelligence Agency launched its Twitter account last month with an unexpectedly flippant post: "We can neither confirm nor deny that this is our first tweet."
In that vein, the CIA took to Twitter for its one-month #twitterversary on Monday to answer its top-five most frequently asked questions, one of which happens to be about late rapper Tupac Shakur.
No, we don't know where Tupac is. #twitterversary— CIA (@CIA) July 7, 2014
Shakur died in September 1996 after a drive-by shooting in Las Vegas, though several conspiracy theories about his murder still persist.
The CIA also responded to questions about employment prospects, Ellen DeGeneres and personal passwords.
No, we don't know your password, so we can't send it to you. #sorrynotsorry #twitterversary— CIA (@CIA) July 7, 2014
YES, we are hiring. #twitterversary— CIA (@CIA) July 7, 2014
Sorry for not following you back @TheEllenShow. But if you visit us maybe we can take a selfie? #twitterversary— CIA (@CIA)