Hackers targeted Google Palestine\'s homepage on Monday, leaving messages on the site protesting the terminology of Google maps, which does not label Palestine, the Washington Post reported. \"Uncle Google, we say hi from Palestine to remember you that the country in Google map not called Israel. It\'s called Palestine,\" a message on the homepage said. The page has now returned to its default settings. The hackers also left a message suggesting that if they changed the name of Israel to Palestine on Google maps it would be a \"revolution.\" A Google spokesperson said that \"some users visiting google.ps have been getting redirected to a different website; Google services for the google.ps domain were not hacked. We\'re in contact with the organization responsible for managing this domain name so we can help resolve the problem,\" the Washington Post reported. Last week, Palestinian researcher Khalil Shreateh hacked into Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg\'s profile to expose a security flaw. \"Dear Mark Zuckerberg,\" he wrote.\"First sorry for breaking your privacy and post to your wall, i had no other choice to make after all the reports i sent to Facebook team. My name is KHALIL from Palestine.\" His reward for exposing the flaw was having his Facebook account disabled.