Egypt's Dar al-iftaa

The Islamophobia Monitoring Observatory at Egypt's Dar al Ifta condemned Sunday the brutal attack against a Muslim high school for imams and preachers.

In a statement, the observatory said such an attack raises a tide of anxiety among Danish Muslims amid the growing phenomenon of Islamophobia in the country.

The escalating Islamophobia phenomenon at this Scandinavian country might be related to far-right wing, that considered non-Danes and immigrant labor as a burden rather than a strategic reserve, the observatory added.

The far-right wing in Denmark also launched campaigns warning against the "Islamization" of the country, though the number of Muslims there does not exceed 1 percent of the population, it noted.

The Islamophobia Monitoring Observatory called on the Danish government to reconsider hatred campaigns against Islam and Muslims, that may push them towards marginalization and isolation.