When you and your spouse decide to part ways, it’s obvious there are some weighty issues. But this decision can adversely affect your kid if you fail to handle the situation well. Here’s how to tell your kid about the change that will occur in his/her life. Break the news as a couple It’s time to put your animosity aside and come together with your spouse to convey to your kid that the marriage is going to end. Make a plan as to how you’re going to break the news. You need to show your kid that though you won’t be together, you can cooperate as parents and that you and your spouse will continue to take active involvement in his/her life. Do not blame each other Even if you cannot stand each other, avoid criticizing the other parent in front of your kid. Playing blame games in front of kid can so irreparable emotional harm to him/her. So as a parent, it is your responsibility to make sure your child isn’t involved in your conflicts. Be realistic When telling your child about the divorce, be honest and realistic. Keep their age in mind avoid sharing a lot of details about the split. At the same time, do not give false hopes by saying that you will be together after sometime. They should know that their life is going to change after the divorce but at the same time assure them that they would receive the same kind of love from their parents. Prepare them for the change without being too emotional.