The Advanced Fertility Center of Texas recently began using Natural Embryo Transfer, a mainstream mode of infertility treatment that significantly improves the chance of pregnancy. About 15 percent of the couples are faced with infertility issues and some of them eventually need In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). During IVF, a woman is injected with a high level of hormones to promote maturation of multiple eggs in her ovaries. Those injections, while helping to yield a large number of eggs, may reduce the uterus’ ability to accept embryo for implantation because the uterus is exposed to a naturally high level of hormones. In order to improve the chances of pregnancy, embryo transfer could be delayed by freezing embryos and storing them for a month or longer to allow the uterus to recuperate and perform the transfer when the woman’s hormones return to their natural levels. Dr. Dmitri Dozortsev, reproductive embryologist and AFCT Reproductive Facility Director, who is also a president of the American College of Embryology, has perfected the embryo freezing technique, verification, to such level that virtually all viable embryos survive and thrive. As a result, AFCT is now able to use Natural Transfer in the majority of patients undergoing IVF, increasing the chance of pregnancy to above 60 percent per attempt. Natural transfer not only improves the chance of pregnancy, but according to recent publications, also increases the chances of birthing healthier children. Not all patients are candidates for natural transfer. It takes vast experience and a proprietary algorithm developed by Dr. Michael Allon, board certified reproductive endocrinologist, to carefully select those who qualify. Source: PRWEB