Sacrifice, something we are all willing to do in the name of pursuing happiness. But how thin can we spread ourselves for someone or something? How far does the extra mile go? When does the final string that’s holding everything together just break? We were all told to fight for what we believe in, but maybe God didn’t make us all warriors. Maybe the battles we fought in the past drained us out of our will to struggle today. Maybe this time we want to be fought for instead. I was never known to be a weak person; in fact my hard head was my only true identity, the one thing that really defined who I am despite not being much of a good quality. Being a strongly opinionated young woman was hard to explain to people. It was hard to express my point of view and accept other opinions (especially my mum’s) when all I knew at the end of the day was that I am right, it’s my life, that’s what I think. I didn’t care what other people thought; it didn’t matter because this was MY life and my chosen path which I take full responsibility for. Hearing someone criticize me didn’t move me because I simply thought of their criticism to be only a reflection of their opinions and their choices, that doesn\'t necessarily have to apply to me. In love and life, it’s not one size fits all. Every story has its fingerprint; it’s unique twist, that one detail that differentiates between your story and mine. Every person fights a battle that was never fought before. Maybe the outcome is the same, the stories are similar, but it’s never entirely the exact same. That’s exactly why I refuse to do by anyone’s advice (anyone being mama or her friends). No one will know what you\'re going through except you. Maybe the elder carry good advice from personal experience, friends’ stories, or something they read in a book years ago, but they can never know what you feel inside. Their advice can comfort you or give you hope, show you a new perspective, or even give you that boost of energy to fight your very last battle, but it would never tell you how you feel or what to do about it. That’s why you are given the choice to either take it or leave it. The only thing that will get you to put on your shield and armor is you. Your will power to mend things and let go of the hard feelings is the only thing that will help you. So before you put on armor and pretend to be a knight, ask yourself this: “is this battle worth fighting for or should I wave the white flag”!