Tehran - FNA
Iranian researchers from Tarbiat Modarres University produced a non-toxic and cheap nanocatalyst to achieve the objectives of green chemistry. The nanocatalyst can be easily recycled and it helps the preservation of the environment. The use of organo-catalysts as homogenous catalysts in chemical reactions has recently attracted the attention of many scientists. The organo-catalysts can be stabilized on the surface of magnetic nanoparticles to improve their catalytic and recycling properties. This research was carried out to produce high-efficient heterogeneous catalysts that are easily separated. The researchers made effort to achieve the objectives of green chemistry and to reduce the problems of using acidic catalysts. The produced catalyst is magnetic and can be easily separated from the reaction media by imposing external magnetic field. In other words, the catalyst has very high recycling capability and can be reused about five times without any reduction in its catalytic activity. Its cost-effective and low toxic nature is among other noticeable characteristics of the catalyst. Moreover, it is considered a green and biocompatible catalyst because vitamin B1 has been used in its production. Obviously, if fewer chemicals are used in life or released in nature, we can increase the level of health and preserve the environment. The catalyst has high efficiency in the production of products in alkanoylation of alcohols and can be used in agriculture, foodstuff and medical industries. Results of the research have been published in RSC Advances, vol. 4, 2014, 8812-8816.