London - WAM
Ayesha Al Rayesi, Executive Director of Central Operations at the Emirates Identity Authority (Emirates ID), made a presentation at the SDW 2014 Conference in London. The SDW Conference, held in June at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Westminster, London, UK, is a premier conference on Human Identity Management systems, including e-Passports, visas, driving licenses, national IDs, worker credentials, advanced border control, anti-counterfeiting and fraud detection.
In her presentation, Ayesha Al Rayesi elaborated the vision of the future for identity management systems evolving from the current Digital ID to Smart ID Management Systems. She explained the key initiatives of the Emirates ID Authority in supporting this evolution in the UAE. She stressed on the need for identification and authentication across multiple channels, especially how wearable computing is being adopted for the purpose of personal identification enabling all round identity management.
"The Emirates ID Authority serves to provide the primary digital identification credentials which are in turn used to link several wearable computing devices like Google glass, wrist bands etcetera that provide biometric identification," she pointed out.
Attended by participants from nearly 70 countries, the Conference showcased solutions for intrinsic document security and on the new cutting-edge secure infrastructure now required to produce and use these advanced documents in live situations