Korean official

Ambassadors of the Kingdom of Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, the Arab Republic of Egypt, along with the Charge D’Affaires of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Seoul today met at the Korean Foreign Ministry with Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs, Ambassador Lee Jeong Kyu.
The heads of missions presented a detailed account on the latest developments in the Gulf region and the causes that led a number of countries, including theirs, to sever their diplomatic and consular relations with Doha and close their land, maritime and airspaces to Qatar.
“Such measures were taken in retaliation for the generous financial support, political cover and intensified inciting media campaigns Qatar offers to a number of terrorist groups and the opposition’s radical militias,” they remarked, noting that Qatar was pushing for their interference in the Gulf States’ internal affairs and fueling people’s discord with legitimate governments.
They explained that the decision was taken after their countries had gathered enough proofs on Qatar’s disgraceful behavior and support of terrorism in a number of countries and after long patience and attempts to keep Doha away from supporting the terrorist groups in order to protect its political and national security.
The heads of missions asserted to the Korean side the unified position of their governments, hoping that Qatar would correct the course of its external policies, live up to its pledges and not to offer support to the terrorist groups so as to preserve regional security and stability.
They also explained that their countries were very keen the blockade would not inflict harm on the brotherly Qataris as a consequence of the wrong practices of their government.
The Korean side learnt about the causes of the blockade, the procedures taken in this regard and the justification and understood what it was all about, affirming the need to resort to dialogue and take advantage of the favorable spiritual atmosphere of Ramadan to seek a peaceful solution to the crisis.
They said that this would be the best way for the region to return as it was an oasis of security, peace and development and be asset to the international community in its war against terrorism and extremism.

Source : Fana News