Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa visits Southern Governorate

His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa has asserted that the Southern Governorate is of great importance, economically and socially, and that its towns and villages need more projects and development commensurate with such importance.


HRH Premier congratulated the newly-appointed Southern Governor, HH Shaikh Khalifa bin Ali Al Khalifa, for the precious royal trust bestowed upon him and the responsibility entrusted to him.

The Prime Minister stressed that the citizens across the Southern Governorate should see tangible progress in health, services, housing and infrastructure.

“Reach out to the citizens to identify their needs, deliver them the best services and spare no effort to achieve His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa’s directives on the ground. We are with you and support you since what the governorate is doing is part of the government’s responsibilities,” the Premier said while addressing the Governor and the Southern Governorate’s staff.

“Listen to the voice of the citizens, whether they are in towns or villages, and follow up on their situations,” he added.

The Prime Minister made the statements while visiting the Southern Governorate today to be informed about its projects and programmes.

Speaker of the Council of Representatives, Ahmed bin Ibrahim Al-Mulla, Deputy Premier, Shaikh Khalid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa, Interior Minister, Lieutenant-General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa, service ministers, MPs and senior state officials were present.

HRH the Prime stressed the need to give top priority to the implementation of HM the King’s directives and serving the citizens in the work of the governorate, noting that it will receive all kinds of support from the government as its tasks are part of the government’s responsibilities.

He emphasised the importance of fulfilling the citizens’ aspirations and meeting their needs.

“Their satisfaction is ours, and their service is the government’s ultimate goal,” he said.

HRH Premier extended thanks, appreciation and praise, through the Interior Minister, to the security authorities and personnel for the tremendous efforts they are exerting to reinforce security and stability which, he said, are essential pre-requisites for development and modernisation.

HRH Premier also highlighted the importance of strong cooperation between the government and its various departments and the Council of Representatives and municipal councils, noting that the governorates’ work completes that of the government, hence its strong cooperation with the Legislative Branch and municipal council is necessary.

Southern Governor, HH Shaikh Khalifa bin Ali Al Khalifa, delivered a speech in which he welcomed HRH the Prime Minister’s auspicious visit, noting that it embodies his constant keenness on being informed closely about the citizens’ needs through direct meetings with them and field visits to determine the priority of government action.

The Premier’s visit is a proof of the leadership’s interest in the cherished nation, in general, and the Southern Governorate, in particular, he said.

He voiced deep pride in being granted the precious royal trust to hold his post as Southern Governor, and in listening to the Prime Minister’s sound directives on ways to assume his national responsibilities and serving the citizens in a way that would achieve the aspirations of HM King Hamad and support the work of the government, led by HRH Premier, and backed by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister.

He also said he would convey to HRH the Prime Minister the needs of the Southern Governorate’s citizens in the fields, such as housing, health, education and services.

He asserted that his main slogan would be based on cooperation with the citizens in order to develop the Southern Governorate and achieve the best levels regarding facilities and services, within the regulations, policies and laws in force, and in line with the leadership’s directives.

He stressed that the Southern Governorate was honoured by the Premier’s visit which, he said, will motivate everyone there to do their utmost in order to develop the governorate and reach the highest levels of modernisation.

The governor affirmed that he would draw inspiration from the Premier’s constant determination and dedication in serving Bahrain and its people while assuming his duties, praying to Allah the Almighty to bless HRH the Prime Minister with abundant health and happiness.

Interior Minister, Lieutenant-General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa, expressed thanks and appreciation to HRH Premier for his kind visit to the Southern Governorate, noting that it will motivate other governorates to double their efforts and be more dedicated in serving the citizens.

He wished the Southern Governor every success in developing the governorate, stressing that HRH Premier’s directives are a road map for the Interior Ministry’s work to strengthen the pillars of security and stability and pave the way for development, modernisation and urbanization.

Southern Governorate’s citizens expressed their extreme joy over the Prime Minister’s visit, affirming that it will open doors for more development in term of health, educational and housing services across their governorate.

They also expressed their deep pleasure over the appointment of HH Shaikh Khalifa bin Ali bin Khalifa Al Khalifa as Southern Governor for the distinguished status he enjoys in their hearts, and for being close to them and well-informed about their needs.

Source : Fana News