Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al Jabouri

Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al Jabouri discussed here Monday with the French President Francois Hollande the latest political and security developments in Iraq and the region.

They tackled also means of promoting joint ties especially in overcoming terrorism and its consequences.

Al Jabouri lauded the role of France in the US-led international coalition which supports Iraq at the military level in fighting extremism and at the humanitarian field via backing the displaced.

At the beginning of the meeting, al Jabouri welcomed Hollande's visit which coincides with the Christmas , wishing for the Iraqi, French and world's peoples peace and security.

The visit also coincides with victories achieved by the Iraqi armed forces backed by the coalition against Daesh terrorist group, the speaker reiterated.

For his part, Hollande stressed the depth of the relations binding the two nations, noting that his country is keen on supporting Iraq in its war against Daesh till the end.

Iraq's security forces will participate in achieving stability in the whole region, the president underscored, adding that uprooting Daesh will make the whole world live in peace.

Source: MENA