Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono

Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono is arranging visits to Saudi Arabia, Jordan and other Middle Eastern countries in early September, likely to propose a more active role for Tokyo in helping solve such issues as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Syrian refugee crisis, the Asia-focused English-language Nikkei Newspaper reported.

The Japanese side and ministers from the Arab League are expected to hold their first political dialogue in Egypt and exchange opinions on a wide range of topics relevant to peacemaking in the Middle East. A joint statement is also being considered.

Tokyo takes a neutral stance on religious conflicts and has close ties with Washington, a major player in the region. "Japan can talk frankly with the U.S. over various matters and play a large political role," Kono said.

Kono has long had an interest in Middle East diplomacy. He has built deep connections through his time studying in the US and as a member of Japan's parliament. After taking office Aug. 3, Kono received a congratulatory phone call from Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. He is also familiar with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and is a fellow Georgetown University alumnus along with King Abdullah II of Jordan.

The foreign minister is also expected to use his trip as an important opportunity for dealing with North Korea. Several countries in the region take in North Korean workers. Kono will emphasize the significance of United Nations Security Council sanctions to cut off funding for Pyongyang's missile and nuclear programs.

Source : Mena