The contest of the ''best novel on Abdelhamid Ben Badis' life and career" will be open to participants from all the Arab countries next year, as part of the "Constantine,2015 capital of the Arab culture" event,said Monday evening, the president of the organizing committee of the contest, which is initiated by thePeople's Provincial Assembly (APW). The researchers, students and others men of letters from different Arab countries will be concerned by this contest next year,which is intended this year for the Maghreb countries, said Saad Beghidja during the awards ceremony of the winners of thetenth edition. The top best writers in each of the five sections of the contest (literature and poetry, computing, fine arts, culture and civilisation and narration) were awarded a price of DZD 500,000, whereas those that ranked second received cheques for DZD 300,000 during this ceremony, which took place in presence of the APW's elected representatives as well as the local civilianand military authorities. The total of 87 candidates from 16 provinces of the country, as well as from Tunisia and Morocco, participated in this contest, "which aimed at developing the young people's creativity," said Beghidja. The initiative also aimed at rewarding the best works, which highlights the cultural and civilizational dimensions of the province as a capital of knowledge and culture in the country, he added. A glowing tribute was paid to Imam Ben Badis by the participantsin this ceremony.