In “Gustav’s Travels” (published by Trafford Publishing), author D.S. Lindberg weaves a tale of adventure and magic together with a cast of well-crafted heroes and heinous villains. Gustav, a young member of King Angus’ militia, has proven himself to be a strong warrior. Together with his betrothed Ariel, an expert swordswoman, the two are an unstoppable force. When an evil sorceress comes to the castle, she tries to murder the king, but is outsmarted by Gustav. She and her enormous cat are taken to the dungeons, but chains do not hold her for long. Gustav volunteers to recapture her and goes down to the dungeons to find her. The two meet on the stairs, and the witch hurls a spell at Gustav, but it misses. Instead, the spell crashes into the wall, and the stones begin to fall on Gustav. In a moment of panic, Gustav calls to the evil witch’s sister, a good witch who shrinks him down to avoid the rocks. The evil witch, however, had just enough time to cast one last spell, forever alternating Gustav’s life and sending him on an incredible adventure. “There is not always a happy ending,” Lindberg laments, “but there can be a good ending.” “Gustav’s Travels” has been selected for inclusion in the Gold Seal program, which recognizes excellence in writing and overall potential. Source: PRWEB