From the imagination of John Adrian Tomlin comes the gripping sequel of “The Imaginarium Machine,” a tale of dystopian science fiction set in “The Imaginarium World.” This gripping story takes place in a grim future wherein humanity has been enslaved by a technological despot, and follows a band of freedom fighters as they fight to liberate the Earth from the tyrant’s rule. Everything began with the Imaginarium Machine, a gaming device that interfaced with users’ minds to create an artificial reality where they can enjoy the ultimate entertainment experience. A group of hackers take over this system and the minds of the users, turning them into an army of brainwashed minions called Legion. The inventor of the Imaginarium Machine, Kevin Young, becomes the supreme ruler of this new world order, but those who were able to avoid being brainwashed form a resistance movement to fight against his regime. FBI agent Mike Thompson and his partner, Becks, are amongst the guerillas, and the story follows them as they struggle to free the human race from the Imaginarium Machine’s control. Time is running short though, as more and more free men are captured and brainwashed, and it is only a matter of time before the resistance wages its last battle against the forces of Legion and its master. “The Imaginarium World” is a riveting work of science-fiction that will keep readers on the edge of their seats from the first page to the very last. Source: PRWEB