He was destined to fulfill a prophecy yet beginning with his birth, Jesus broke all the rules. Readers may think they know the story of his life, death, and resurrection, but they don't. His name was Yeshua, his life was extraordinary, and the real story is told in The Way of Yeshua. In ancient Galilee, a male child is born. His name is Yeshua and within days after his birth, Herod marks him for death forcing Yeshua's family to flee into exile in Egypt. This is only the first of many journeys Yeshua takes during his life; and, sadly, the first of many times his life is threatened. Mystery and mythology surround every aspect of Yeshua including his conception, birth, life, and death. Some people say he was conceived by a virgin mother and that he is the son of G-d, a great teacher of the Law, keeper of the faith, and leader of his people. Others say he is a false prophet whose birth was illegitimate according to the Law. Within the context of his personal challenges, Yeshua finds himself embroiled in the social, political, and religious conflicts of the time. When the Romans begin denigrating his people, disrespecting their Law, and defiling their land, Yeshua's mission becomes clear. There will be no stopping this well-considered man and meticulous strategist until the prophecies of Isaiah and Zechariah are fulfilled. And fulfill them he does, by paying with his own life. Or does he? What if Yeshua does not die on the cross? What if the death and resurrection of Yeshua is one of the greatest stories ever told, but it is untrue. What if, in fact, he lives and goes on to lead an exemplary life of faith with his wife and their children? Yeshua's true impact on the world is even greater than the stories we know. And so, the story begins... The Way of Yeshua is available world-wide from Amazon.com, Kindle, and your favorite book retailer in both soft-cover and electronic editions. Source: PRWEB