Emerging author, Oren Tasini, is proud to announce the recent release of his first novel “First Tuesday.” “First Tuesday” is an action-packed political adventure novel that follows a U.S. nation who is faced with uncertainty after the assassination of their president-elect Arthur Davis. “First Tuesday,” published by Chaucer Press Books, taps into these grave developments and weaves a compelling, fast-pace narrative as pandemonium surrounds the fate of the U.S. presidency. The novel examines the complexity of the U.S. political system and the possibility for corruption within the Electoral College. According to the 20th Amendment of the Constitution, the vice president-elect is to become the president should the president-elect not be able to fulfill his duties. But, this decision cannot be made until the Electoral College officially casts their votes, which occurs in December after the election, in accordance with the 12th Amendment. In the novel, this creates a month of political ambiguity and attempted manipulation in Washington, DC. Power-hungry political action groups and individuals concoct plans to manipulate the Electors, who have the constitutional right to vote for whomever they choose in the December vote. A homegrown Marxist-oriented group, called the Front, emerges to incite society-wide revolution. And even the sitting president, Peter Hampton, looks to regain power after losing the election. The protagonist, lawyer Jack Banner, works with attorney Alison Stevens to untangle the mystery behind the assassination, while working to defend a Marxist who is accused of the crime. Soon their lives are threatened, and while on the run they develop a complex romantic relationship. Will Banner and Stevens be able to stop the manipulation of the Electors and bring the assassin to justice? “I am very excited about the release of my new book, First Tuesday,” said author Tasini. “The idea came to mind when Ross Perot was running for president in the 1990s. This novel was my exploration of our political system and the faults in the system that could happen if everything doesn’t go as planned with an election.” “First Tuesday” is currently available on Amazon at a discounted price of $16.25. About Oren Tasini: Oren Tasini is currently a partner in Haile Shaw & Pfaffenberger, P.A., where he assists corporate clients in a variety of legal issues in connection with the formation, growth, operation and sale of business enterprises. He is one of the foremost authorities in Automotive Law in the United States, and assists automotive dealerships with legal compliance, regulatory and franchise matters, and in the purchase and sale of automotive franchises. He is an Associate Member and Member of the Legislative Committee of the Florida Automotive Dealers Association. Mr. Tasini is a founding member and director of the National Association of Dealer Counsel, and serves on its Board of Directors and President. Mr. Tasini is a member of the Florida Bar. Source: PRWEB