What would happen if an electromagnetic pulse hit the U.S. triggering the Rapture? What would those left behind do with no functioning technology? How would anyone know the fate of his or her loved ones? These are the questions author Mike Arthur incorporates into his new novel, “CHAS: Foreshadowing Destiny.” Arthur creates a biblical dystopia where one man must traverse the trials of human nature never knowing who can be trusted. “When I look around our country I see an over-reliance on technology and a deplorable lack of humanity in the average person,” Arthur said, “I’m hoping my book will teach people to be more self-reliant while examining their behavior towards others.” The EMP destroys technology for main character Chas, so he is forced to rely only on himself and his faith to find his way home. His faith in humanity and God are tested throughout, but ultimately the goal of the book is to encourage readers to examine their own nature. “Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.” - Revelations 1:3 Whether doomsday preppers or average citizens, when the above Scripture comes to fruition what will mankind do? Source: PRWEB