New novel, “Way to the Shining City,” has achieved honorable mention in the Los Angeles Books Festival for ‘general fiction.’ Author Elaine Stienon’s new novel is a fictionalized account of historical events shedding light onto tragic events in American history, construing the journey of non-polygamous Mormon groups as they strive to thrive in the religiously dominated 1800s. “I came to write this book because I was fascinated by the story of the early Mormons and the struggles they had to go through to stay together, which apparently meant a great deal to them,” Stienon said. “My motivation was to tell a good story, based on the elements I had to work with.” The characters in Stienon’s novel reveal the devastating realities that discrimination and fear have on society. Through their trials, her characters shine brightly as they trust themselves and each other, their goal to be able to live in a community, in a place where peace and justice prevailed. It’s a fascinating and historically accurate look into the persecution of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. “I would like the reader to take away the knowledge that there were many other little groups connected with early Mormonism, and not just the main body which traveled across the plains to what later became Utah,” Stienon said. Though the book is classified as historical fiction, the accuracy and research that went into the account will draw readers interested in the time period and the genre. Source: PRWEB