Poetry to God: Volume 4

Coming as the fourth installment in the Poetry to God series, “Poetry to God: Volume 4: Prison Praise Cry’s from behind the Wall” (published by Trafford Publishing) is author Terry Webb’s collection of love letters and poems written from the point of view of an incarcerated man.
This book of poetry includes encouraging, inspirational messages which Webb believes will help readers stay focused on the gifts and mercy of God. Webb takes on the persona of a prison inmate to write what he calls “cries from behind the wall” of incarceration.
“This book offers simple poems of hope, love and trust designed to lead others to a new or richer life in Christ,” Webb says. “It seeks to provide all mankind with eyes of faith. For Christians worldwide, ‘Poetry to God’ will be received warmly and have readers flocking to other volumes in the series.”
An excerpt from the poem “Free Inside”:
“Although I’m locked inside a cell,
In prison far away,
I bow my head before the Lord,
And on my knees, I pray.
I pray that he would touch my heart,
And spirit, deep within,
I pray, although I’m locked away,
To be a light to men.”
Source: PRWEB