Al-Tabuur (The Queue) by Basma Abdel-Aziz, Cairo: Dar Al-Tanweer, 2013. The first novel by psychiatrist, writer and visual artist, Basma Abdel-Aziz, is among the first books to be printed by the Cairo office of the Arab publishing house, Dar Al-Tanweer. The novel by Abdel-Aziz mixes fantasy and realism in a weave that uses sarcasm and lightness, while describing Egyptians queuing in an extended unending queue for an obscure 'gate' that gives strict orders. However, the 'gate' never opens, symbolising an 'authority' that is hidden and untouchable, but has enormous power over people. Abdel-Aziz is winner of Sawiris Cultural Award 2008, and the General Organisation for Cultural Palaces award in 2008. Finally, she is a recipient of the Ahmed Bahaa-Eddin Award in 2009 for her book "Temptation of Absolute Power." Source: Ahram Online