An American Airlines spokesman said the U.S. carrier would recall 211 furloughed flight attendants, who are expected to be back on the job by mid-November. The Association of Professional Flight Attendants said the recall brings back to work the last of the AA furloughed flight attendants, the Fort Worth (Texas) Star-Telegram reported Thursday. The airline, which is attempting to restructure its finances through bankruptcy, said the number of flight attendants expected to participate in a job buyout program made it necessary to recall workers to avoid any shortfalls. \"We regularly evaluate our staffing needs, and because we anticipate a large number of flight attendants will elect to participate in the Voluntary Early Out Program, we are taking this proactive step,\" airline spokesman Bruce Hicks said. \"We welcome our flight attendants back to service and recognize they play an integral role in providing an outstanding onboard experience for our customers,\" he said. In a court filing, the airline also said a group of creditors including JPMorgan Securities, King Street Capital and York Capital Management Global Advisors \"had expressed an interest in participating in the formulation of a plan of reorganization and, in connection therewith, potentially providing for equity and other financing.\" \"It is not at all unusual for large debt holders to express an interest in participating in the formulation of a plan of reorganization and to potentially provide equity or other financing as part of a plan,\" American spokesman Sean Collins said.