Abu Dhabi Duty Free closed the last year on high. Retail revenue recorded AED 912.7 million (US $248 m), an increase of 13% compared to 2012, according to Abu Dhabi Airports. The month of December proved to be the busiest month with sales figures reaching AED 92 m (US $25 m) at Abu Dhabi International Airport. The most popular purchases were beauty products, fragrances, watches, gold and diamonds. Mohammed Al Bulooki, chief commercial officer of Abu Dhabi Airports, said: “The level of commercial performance in duty free last year and the 13% rise in revenue were extremely positive results for our company.” Abu Dhabi Duty Free launched a new brand identity in October with a new logo to reflect the iconic architectural design of the new Midfield Terminal Building which will open for passengers in 2017. Al Bulooki further added: “The new Midfield Terminal Building will offer many more opportunities for innovative retailers, and will have a capacity of more than 30 million passengers a year.” Abu Dhabi Duty Free has expansion plans ahead of the new terminal building opening in three years’ time, with introduction of new outlets. Source: Travel Daily