The Republic of Azerbaijan is considering visa waiver for Iranian nationals, Azeri Ambassador to Tehran Javanshir Akhundov was quoted as saying by Tehran Times daily on Saturday. "A special committee is mulling visa waivers for Iranian nationals and we are optimistic about settlement of the issue in the near future," Akhundov was quoted as saying. Azerbaijan is considering lifting visa requirements for Iranian citizens because of the willingness of the two countries to develop ties, he said. The Azeri government is keen on boosting relations with Iran, Akhundov said, adding the visa waiver would benefit both countries. Iran-Azerbaijan relations were hurt in the past decades, after Azeri officials said that Iran has established close ties with Armenia which has had some 20 percent of Azerbaijan territory under its occupation since 1993 conflicts. Northern and northwestern Iran accommodates huge Azeri minority. Iranian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mohsen Pak Ayeen also said that the steps by the officials of the Republic of Azerbaijan is welcomed by Iran which is also eager to boost ties with its northern neighbor.