Nasser Abdulhameed

The Director of Airports Customs Nasser Abdulhameed said that the affiliation of the Customs Affairs Directorate to the Interior Ministry has opened the door of communication with all the relevant security agencies.
The affiliation of Customs Affairs to the Interior Ministry has constituted a new addition to the security infrastructures for prevention of smuggling of hazardous contraband substances.
He cited the significant role of the Airport Customs Directorate and its contribution into the activities of the public security, economy and development and the prevention of smuggling contraband substances and narcotics and obliging shipping companies to comply with the requisite standards .
In compliance with the directives of the Minister of Interior and with constant follow up and support from the Chief of Customs Affairs, the Directorate was able through its officers to prevent any smuggling of contraband substances which had passed rigorous screening of American and European airports. This proves our Customs practical compliance with international standards for which we have been praised by the relevant international organisations and huge development of Customs Directorate, introducing the latest state-of-the-art technology and proper employment of human resources, he said.