
The Nepalese authorities on Monday made it clear that no travel restrictions were issued to Nepal by the Chinese government agencies as reported in local media.

"We have not received any information officially and unofficially from the Chinese side about the travel advisories issued to Nepal by any Chinese government agencies or tour operators. The media reports are baseless," Jayanarayan Acharya, director general at the Nepal's Department of Tourism, told Xinhua.

Following news reports published in Kathmandu-based media, Nepalese Ministry of Foreign Affairs had instructed its Beijing-based embassy to verify the reports and enquire whether such restrictions to Nepal were issued by the Chinese government.

After making enquiry with the Chinese authorities, the Nepalese Embassy communicated to the government that no such travel restrictions were issued by China, officials said.

Meanwhile, a senior official at the Chinese Embassy in Kathmandu termed these reports baseless.

China is the second largest source market for tourism for Nepal, after India.

source: Xinhua