President Xi jinping

Chinese President Xi Jinping returned home on Sunday after a Middle East tour, his first since assuming post ten years ago.

The tour includes Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran.

In his first leg, Saudi Arabia, Xi agreed with the Saudi king on upgrading relations between them to a strategic partnership.

They also agreed on enhancing cooperation in the political, economic, trade and security domains.

In Egypt, he signed more than 40 cooperation agreements and memos of understanding worth 30 billion dollars to finance a number of development projects in the power, railway and other sectors.

The Egyptian and Chinese leaders launched the second stage of the Egyptian-Chinese economic and trade zone in Ain Sokhna, which is expected to lure 30 billion dollars in investments.

They also attended a legendary ceremony at Luxor Temple to mark the 60th anniversary of setting up diplomatic relations between Egypt and China and announcing the 2016 as year of Egyptian-Chinese Cultural Year.

The Chinese president also visited the headquarters of the House of Representatives and the Arab League.

In Iran, Xi also announced upgrading relations with Iran to a strategic partnership and signed 17 agreements in the energy domain.

They also agreed to up trade exchange to 420 billion dollars.