Copenhagen Airport

The airport in Denmark's capital city of Copenhagen has witnessed a record number of 2.5 million passengers in June, it was reported Thursday.
The number of travelers at Copenhagen Airport in June rose 8.3 percent from the same period last year, bringing the total number of passengers in the first half year to 12.36 million, the airport said in a statement.
June also saw the busiest day ever. On June 27, the last Friday of the month when the Danish usually start their summer vacations, the airport handled a record number of 98,674 passengers in a single day.
During the month, 170,376 passengers traveled to and from London, up 10.7 percent from June 2013. Stockholm was the second most popular destination with 138,233 passengers, followed by Oslo with 137,750 passengers.
On Monday, the airport announced that it would invest 250 million Danish kroner (45.6 million U.S. dollars) to expand existing facilities to elevate its handling capacity. The expansion will mean more space for passengers and airlines.
"In recent years, we have been able to absorb the growth and provide travelers with a great start to the holidays," said Thomas Woldbye, chief executive officer of the airport.
Copenhagen Airport is currently the busiest airport in Scandinavia, having served 24.1 million passengers in 2013.