Fourth, The Cabinet authorized the President of General Civil Aviation Authority or his deputy to discuss with the U.S. side a draft air transport agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Administration of the United States of America, and sign it according to the text attached to the decision. Fifth: The Cabinet approved appointments as follows: 1- Abdulaziz bin Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Aifan as ambassador at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 2- Dr. Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Ibrahim Al-Eidi as General Vice President (rank 15th) at General Presidency for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. 3- Mohammed bin Saad bin Abdullah Al-Mashkhas as Assistant Undersecretary of the Governorate for Security Affairs (rank 14th) at the Governorate of Makkah Region at Interior Ministry. 4- Dr. Khalid bin Mohammed bin Hamad Al-Fuhaid as Assistant Undersecretary for Livestock Resources at the Ministry of Agriculture. 5- Mohammed bin Khalifa bin Hamad Al-Shayie\' as Director General of Administrative and Financial Affairs at the Ministry of Housing.