
The signals from the black boxes of the crashed EgyptAir Flight MS804 are expected to stop operating on June 24, Egypt's Civil Aviation Ministry said in a statement on Monday.

Radar pictures sent by the Egyptian Armed Forces to the investigation committee of the crashed flight showed that the plane made a turn to the left and then a full circle to the right before it went down, the statement said.

It added that these radar pictures are consistent with the ones from the Greek and English sides.

The statement said the Egyptian investigation committee has agreed on the request from the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board to dispatch a representative to the investigation, and an expert from the manufacturer of the plane's recorders will join the investigation.

EgyptAir Flight MS804, an Airbus A320, went missing on May 19 en route from Paris to Cairo with 66 people on board, including 30 Egyptians and 15 French, until some passengers' belongings, small pieces of wreckage and some body parts of victims were later found in the Mediterranean Sea.

On June 1, a French vessel participating in the search received signals from the seabed that might be from one of the plane's data recorders. Search operations have been going on

source : xinhua