Head of domestic tourism at the Tourism Promotion Authority Azza Khalil

Head of domestic tourism at the Tourism Promotion Authority Azza Khalil said the authority has produced the first Egyptian-French documentary to promote for tourism in Egypt in cooperation between the Centre Culturel Du Patrimoine Arabe (the cultural center for Arab heritage) in France and the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism.

The documentary, shot at Philae Temple in Aswan, is a strong window for promoting tourism in Egypt in France, Francophone nations and various European markets, Khalil told MENA on Sunday.

"It is a one of a kind experiment in terms of promotion for tourism particularly that it is a French eye," she said.

The authority provided all necessary logistics possible and facilitated all measures for making the film.

The documentary features French theater legend Catherine Heroult and Egyptian movie and TV star Leila Elwi wearing Egyptian heritage costumes designed by Egyptian designer Marwa al Boghdadi inside Philae Temple in Aswan.

The film, directed by Sébastien Billault, tells the story of a leading French theater actress (Catherine Heroult) coming to Egypt and welcomed by Leila Elwi who takes her to various tourist attractions in Aswan wearing Egyptian costumes.

Source: MENA