Estonian Air

The Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed on Friday that there were no Estonian citizens on board the crashed Malaysia Airline flight MH17 and Estonian Air stated that it has no plans to halt its service to Kiev, Ukraine.
Foreign Minister Urmas Paet said the crash is a great tragedy and all details about it must be uncovered first, according to the evening report by ERR (Estonian Public Broadcasting).
Meanwhile the board member Indrek Randveer of the Estonian Air stated that his company has no plans to halt its service to Kiev, saying that no Estonian Air flight flies over eastern Ukraine, and the closest its aircraft come to that area is 700 kilometers, Postimees reported.
Randveer said they are in contact with and follow the advice of the Estonian Foreign Ministry, the Civil Aviation Administration and international organizations.
He confirmed that the number of passengers flying from Tallinn to Kiev has dropped since the crisis began and the company is reviewing flight schedules.
Estonian Air currently flies to Kiev five times per week.