Three European airlines have canceled cancelled tickets of dozens of pro-Palestinian activists and prevented them from boarding Israel-bound flights upon a request from Israeli government. The flights of passengers from the Airflotilla2, or flytilla, the campaign in which activists challenge Israel\'s occupation of the Palestinian territories by flying into Tel Aviv and announcing to customs their intent to travel to the West Bank. The campaign started last year with a similar \"Welcome to Palestine\" fly-in, where some were also refused entry onto their purchased departure flights, at the behest of Israeli security. Again, this year based on \"Israel\'s orders,\" Lufthansa Airlines, Brussels Airlines and EasyJet all have canceled flytilla passenger tickets. As of today, European airlines have canceled up to 40 passenger tickets. Campaign organizers with Bienvenue Palestine also found the tickets of two passengers unaffiliated with the flytilla were included in the mass cancellations. Passengers also received cancellation notices from the other European airlines, stating \"Israel Immigration Authorities have informed us that you will be refused entry to Israel and instructed us to refuse you carriage.\" The notices indicate airlines received a master \"back list\" from Israeli authorities, which was used to select the passengers that were kept from boarding flights. Israeli papers reported that the Israeli Police expect that between 500 and 1,000 activists will attempt to enter Israel from European countries as part of the action, called \"Welcome to Palestine.\" Police are planning to intercept them at the airport and prevent their entry into the country. Hundreds of police officers are expected to be stationed at the airport ahead of their arrival, most of them unarmed and clothed in civilian dress.