China appreciates an EU decision to delay the enforcement of the Emissions Trading System (ETS) for international flights to and from Europe, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said Wednesday.\"China welcomes the EU\'s decision to suspend the enforcement of the ETS, but does not accept the practice of applying the system to foreign flights within Europe,\" spokesman Hong Lei said at a daily press briefing.Hong\'s comments came after the EU agreed on a legislative proposal to delay the enforcement of the ETS for international flights to and from Europe. The purpose of the delay is to allow more time for international negotiations regarding a global market-based approach to regulating greenhouse gases created by the aviation industry.China has always called for international cooperation in tackling climate change under the multilateral mechanisms of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and international aviation organizations, Hong said, stressing China\'s opposition to unilateral action.\"China expects the EU to take a constructive attitude and work with other parties to settle differences properly,\" Hong said.