Thousands of tourists each year arrive here in Iran to see the country's natural beauties and get more familiar with sub-cultures while enjoying an unforgettable vacation. March 21 marks the start of Spring and the turn of the new Iranian year, and to celebrate the occassion we invite you to join us in an electronic tour of Iran with one province covered for you each day. Today: East Azerbaijan Province East Azerbaijan Province is one of the 31 provinces of Iran. It is in the northwest of the country. The historical city of Tabriz is capital and the most important city of this province, culturally, politically, economically and commercially. Other major cities include Ahar, Bonab, Bostanabad, Heris, Hashtrud, Kalibar, Marand, Mianeh, Maragheh, Sarab and Shabestar. Handicrafts and Souvenirs of East Azarbaijan The province of East Azarbaijan is reputed for its handicrafts in Iran namely a variety of carpets, rugs, Kilims, Jajeem, satchels, shawls, earthenware, ceramic vessels, baskets, wooden articles, materials woven out of silk or wool, embroidered fabrics, crochet articles, towels, blankets, local shoes, silverware and jewelry. Nuts and dry fruits are also important items of this area and are highly favored everywhere. Local Music, Azerbaijan The professional music of Azeri people are divided into two "distinct types", the music of "ashyg" and the "mugam". Local and Regional Foods of East Azerbaijan Ash is a kind of soup which is prepared with bouillon, various vegetables, carrot, noodle and spices. Chelow kabab is the national dish of Iran, prepared with Kebab and roasted tomatoes (and roasted hot peppers occasionally) on a plate of steamed rice. Tabriz is famous for its Chelow Kabab in Iran. Dolma is a traditional delicious Azerbaijani food. It is prepared with eggplant, capsicum, tomato or zucchini filled with a mixture of meat, split pea, onion and various spices. Garniyarikh (meaning "the torn abdomen" in Azeri) is a kind of Dolma filled with meat, garlic, almonds and spices. Kofta (Koufteh) Tabrizi is a special recipe from Tabriz with the appearance of big meatballs, which are prepared with a mixture of ground meat, rice, leeks and some other ingredients. There are also confections, biscuits and cookies, some of which are Tabriz specialties including Ghorabiye, Eris, Nugha, Tasbihi, Latifeh, Ahari, Lovadieh, Lokum and others. Tourist attraction Atash Neshani Tower It is one of the oldest towers in the city, which dates back to about100 years ago. Its structure has architectural value. Eil Goli Edifice The former Shah Goli or the present Eil Goli (the Shah's pool) is one of the recreational areas of Tabriz and Iran located to the north east of Tabriz. The initial date of construction is not specified but this edifice has been repaired in the year 1970 according to the former lines of architecture. Mashrootiyat (The Constitution) House This ancient building or 'house' was the gathering place for the constitutional revolutionary leaders. In the year (1868 AD) This building was constructed by the leader of the movement 'Haj Mehdi Koozeh Kanani'. Tabriz Bazaar The same being one of the historical, largest and beautiful bazaars in Iran and the middle east. Its excellent and fine architecture displays the commercial and oriental mode of life. The aggregate of this Bazaar consists of various sections. Shah Abbasi Caravansary The pass of Goijeh Boel is one of the most beautiful vicinities in Azarbayjan, 24 km. of Ahar. In this area two caravansaries or inns can be noted, built of stone and the type of architecture shows that both were constructed simultaneously during the Safavid era. Arasbaran Forests Being a Biosphere Reserve, these beautiful forests in the northwest of the province are considered the last habitats of the Caucasian black Grouse and other important wildlife. Arasbaran can be reached through the small town of Ahar and a good quality paved road. The Babak Fort along with the forest itself is among the major popular tourist attraction sites. Avarsian Castle Located 11 km. on the Ahar - Kalibar Road and is one of the evidences from the Sassanian era. Sheikh Shahab-edin Ahary Tomb The tomb of this great and famous Gnostic of the 7th and 8th century AH. is located in downtown of Ahar and has several sections. Eskandar Cave This cave is 30 km. from Tabriz in the village of Saeed Abad. Access to which can be gained from the transit Tabriz -Tehran road. The walls of the said cave have interesting stalagtites. The opening of the cave being 5 m. Kandowan Village This village lies 62 km. southwest of Tabriz and 22 km. south of Oskoo. From the architectural point of views this village is interesting, as the settlements are rocky dating back to the 7th century AH. or even the pre-Islamic period. These 'houses' resemble caves, being 'dug out' in the mountains and therefore are reputed worldwide. Mineral water in this area is also used for treatment of diseases. There are various other interesting villages in the province having specific architectural features. Sahand Mountain This is one of the highest mountains in Azarbayjan, in addition to being an important dormant volcano in the country. The Sahand mountains are 50 km. south of Tabriz, the highest peak of which is Jam Daqi at an attitude of 3,750 m.. Approximately 17 peaks can be accounted for as being over 3,000 m. in height. Due to the presence of a variety of flora and fauna, the Sahand mountains is known as the bride of mountains in Iran. The lower slopes and skirts of which are summer residing quarters for some tribes here. Arasbaran (Qaradaq) Mountains It is the continuation of Caucasian mountains that is separated by Aras river ant its valley. It has and area of 9,500 square kilometers with a summit of 2,946 m. high. Liqvan Valley The village of Liqvan lies to the northeast of Tabriz and the southeast sector of the hilly area of Sahand. The village lies in a beautiful valley with the Liqvan river flowing alongside. Greenery, orchards draw visitors to this wonderful spot in the summer. Qoory Goel Lake his sweet water lake is located 45 km. east of Tabriz. (en route to Tehran from this city). Because of its special characteristics both environmentally as well as regarding wild species, has been recorded as one of the internationally important lake (Ramsar Convention Site). Further more being near the city of Tabriz it is also considered a recreational area. Maqbat osh-Sho'ara Is a mausoleum for poets, mystics and famous people located in the Surkhab district of Tabriz. It was built by Tahmaseb Dolatshahi in the mid 1970s while he was the Secretary of Arts and Cultures of East Azarbaijan. Seyyed Mohammad Hossein Behjat-Tabrizi chiefly known by his pen name as Shahriar, was buried in Maqbat osh-Sho'ara.