Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Consular

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Consular, Parliamentary and Expatriates Affairs Hassan Qashqavi underlined the country's preparedness to lift visa requirements in a reciprocal move with all friendly states.
"Based on its general policy, the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to lift political, service and regular visa requirements in reciprocal moves, meaning that whenever the other side is ready to lift visa formalities (for the Iranians), the Islamic Republic of Iran will also be ready for taking the same move," Qashqavi told FNA on Monday.
"This is the only precondition set by the Islamic Republic of Iran for lifting visa requirements and we don’t have any other restriction or condition other than this," he added.
In relevant remarks in January, Qashqavi announced Iran's preparedness to revoke visa requirements for tourists from the neighboring countries once the opposite sides agree to take a reciprocal move for the Iranian nationals.
"The Islamic republic of Iran is prepared to waive visa requirements or facilitate the process of issuing visas for all countries, specially the neighbors, if they take similar action,” Qashqavi said.
Qashqavi pointed to Kuwait as a good example, and said, "Iran is planning to annul visa requirements for Kuwaiti nationals as the Arab country no longer requires Iranian visitors to obtain visas."
Also late last month, Tehran's Ambassador to Moscow Mehdi Sanayee said Iran and Russia were discussing plans to lift visa requirements in a reciprocal move.
“It’s difficult for our businessmen to get a visa to Russia, specially a long-term visa, but we are happy that in 2014 our (Foreign) Ministers (Mohammad Javad) Zarif and (Sergey) Lavrov agreed on the easing of the visa regime, specially for businessmen and tourists,” Sanayee underlined.
The Iranian envoy added that Moscow and Tehran seek to sign a memorandum of understanding this year to that end.