Iranian-made drone destroyed in Yemen

The Arab Coalition forces have destroyed an Iranian-made unmanned military aircraft before it was launched from a mobile pad in Yemeni port city of Al-Mokha.
The drone had been targeting posts of the Yemeni Army and the popular resistance fighters who took part in the libertion of Al-Mokha.
The Emirates News Agency (WAM) quoted Yemeni Chief-of-the Staff Gen. Ahmad Seif Al-Yafi as saying that the Yemeni troops were on a reconnaissance mission when it detected preparations for launching the aircraft, which was immediately reported to the UAE Air Forces in Yemen. Then, the UAE forces fired a surface-to-air missile and destroyed the plane on ground. 
“As they became tightly besieged, the rebel militias are solely depending on arms smuggled from Iran, which clearly shows Tehran’s flagrant intervention in the Yemeni crisis and its attempts to destabilize the region and threaten peace by providing the militias with state-of-the-art weapons in a desperate bid to stop the victories achieved by the Arab Coalition-backed legitimate troops of Yemen,” the Yemeni chief-of-the staff said.
Al-Yafi called on the international community to assume its responsibility and put an end to Iran’s interference in Yemen, which destroys prospects for a successful political peaceful process and ignites war in Yemen. He accused Iran of attempting to replicate the Lebanese Hezbollah model Yemen.

Source : Arab News